Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Indian Education system (pros & cons)

by - Sanika Joshi & Pallavi Singh
India is known to be the land of knowledgeable people from ancient times. Whether it be Chanakya or Birbal or our present chess hero Vishanathan Anand, all have added to the rich education system and made India proud over the years.

India is also known for its ‘rote’ type of education system. The Indian education system instills a "retaining power" in the Individual which makes him remember information that he learns. Each subject is more theory oriented than practically oriented and involves a lot of learning by heart. This indeed helps to develop a child’s brain. Years and years of cramming and reproducing in the exam alters the mind to function in a manner that it "retains" or "captures" the data at a quick rate of remembrance reconstructing the data in the perfect manner.

However, sometimes visualisation works more than simply learning out of books. A child can retain the information in a more efficient manner if he is shown the actual implementation of the data. For example if we just teach the child how the windmill works he might understand the concept but, if he is shown in real life how the windmill converts wind energy to power he will develop interest in it and will pursue more knowledge in it than by merely being taught about it or having read about it.

Indian education involves teaching a wide span of subjects ranging from Philosophy to Information Technology. Right from our first day in school we're exposed to a variety of subjects dealing with politics, biology, health sciences, philosophy etc. which definitely give us an insight into the aspects of various fields of study existent and available as an option. We are exposed to a wide arena of subjects covering different aspects of the world and its people.

Along with this variety of subjects the system should also give its students the freedom to choose the subject of their choice. If they are given the freedom of learning music with history or any other beautiful combination it will surely encourage them to do better in their field. Flexibility in choosing the subjects of one’s choice also makes the individual capable enough to decide his career stream in life. You never know a small kid having passion in photography could turn out to be one of the world’s greatest photographers.

This system has created and keeps on creating a large pool of decently knowledgeable and literate population. India produces the largest pool of graduates and secondary qualified individuals, who are able to read, write and understand basic regional language as well as English. They are self-sufficient in terms of comprehending and articulating these languages at a basic level. Adaptability is another value these graduates possess. They are taught to work hard and they have learnt to adjust through all sorts of difficult environments.

India is also known for its strict style of teaching. Through this they develop values of perseverance and dedication. It also helps them to build devotion for the work they do. Here, knowledge and wisdom gained out of knowledge are valued and worshipped. They are considered a man’s jewels and are considered to develop the values in a human being perfect enough to mould his character.

Yet, however this system never encourages the habit of questioning and thinking outside the syllabi, thus totally abandoning creativity. It is my belief that if Indian kids were encouraged to think "out of the box" we'd have our own versions of Mark Zuckerbeg, Sergey Brin & Larry Page, but since creativity is discouraged and those who do dare to be creative are mocked upon, we haven't had any of it for the past so many decades.

If only we maintain a perfect balance in the teaching modes we would give our children knowledge coupled with passion and devotion to be able citizens of this country.

Team skyKpaar is striving to create a harmony between just that and is consistently innovating to give the Best to our kids !!


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  2. hmmmmmmmmm very interesting :-
